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 Joshua - Each person that allows himself to love, is someone who takes the risk of losing.

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Joshua N. Keagan
Joshua N. Keagan

► AVATAR : Andrew Cooper

Joshua - Each person that allows himself to love, is someone who takes the risk of losing.  Empty
MessageSujet: Joshua - Each person that allows himself to love, is someone who takes the risk of losing.    Joshua - Each person that allows himself to love, is someone who takes the risk of losing.  EmptyLun 17 Sep - 18:47

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Solweig Z. Llewynthon
Solweig Z. Llewynthon

► MESSAGES : 264
► AVATAR : Emma Stone
► COPYRIGHT : chevalisse

► ÂGE : 25 ans
► ACTIVITÉ : Journaliste & photographe
Joshua - Each person that allows himself to love, is someone who takes the risk of losing.  18085916077515_puckessa002

Joshua - Each person that allows himself to love, is someone who takes the risk of losing.  Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Joshua - Each person that allows himself to love, is someone who takes the risk of losing.    Joshua - Each person that allows himself to love, is someone who takes the risk of losing.  EmptyMer 19 Sep - 16:12

Je veux mais si mon post gêne dis le, je le supprime (a)
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Joshua N. Keagan
Joshua N. Keagan

► AVATAR : Andrew Cooper

Joshua - Each person that allows himself to love, is someone who takes the risk of losing.  Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Joshua - Each person that allows himself to love, is someone who takes the risk of losing.    Joshua - Each person that allows himself to love, is someone who takes the risk of losing.  EmptyMer 19 Sep - 16:23

Non non ca va tkt Very Happy

Une idée ?
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Solweig Z. Llewynthon
Solweig Z. Llewynthon

► MESSAGES : 264
► AVATAR : Emma Stone
► COPYRIGHT : chevalisse

► ÂGE : 25 ans
► ACTIVITÉ : Journaliste & photographe
Joshua - Each person that allows himself to love, is someone who takes the risk of losing.  18085916077515_puckessa002

Joshua - Each person that allows himself to love, is someone who takes the risk of losing.  Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Joshua - Each person that allows himself to love, is someone who takes the risk of losing.    Joshua - Each person that allows himself to love, is someone who takes the risk of losing.  EmptyMer 19 Sep - 18:39

Hm......... Tu veux du positif ou du négatif (: ?
En tout cas vu qu'on est journalistes, on a notre point de rencontre xD Après on peut être potes mais qui se donnent des défis, genre je sais pas si Joshua est plus dans le papiers, la radio ou la télé mais, elle pourrait lui imposer des mots à dire ou écrire et vise versa xD ->[]
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Joshua - Each person that allows himself to love, is someone who takes the risk of losing.  Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Joshua - Each person that allows himself to love, is someone who takes the risk of losing.    Joshua - Each person that allows himself to love, is someone who takes the risk of losing.  Empty

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Joshua - Each person that allows himself to love, is someone who takes the risk of losing.

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